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Sacred Self Care starts here...

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Did you know that February comes from the latin word februa, which means "to cleanse"?


The month was named after the ancient Roman festival, Februalia, which was a month long festival of purification and atonement.


This time of year affords time for reflection. For stillness. For reconnecting.


Do you feel called to take a sacred pause?

To reconnect with you body, mind and soul? To come into alignment with a more authentic expression of you?


Beginning with 30 days, we will nourish our bodies with the power of gratitude, mind set, simple daily practices, organic, regeneratively grown nourishment, the wisdom of regenerative health &

community support.

Throughout this 30-day portal we will....

Nourish, Build, Detoxify & Regenerate

Nourish, build, detoxify and regenerate our body with a 30-day organic, living, superfood protocol, while becoming more conscious of eating low-inflammatory foods.  Get the support of recipes and complete menus to inspired you for the 30-days and beyond!

Cultivate Community and Connection

Come together weekly with live Q & A,  intention, and support. Together we will learn and grow.  We are all walking each other home on this human journey.  Topics discussed will include mindset, breath work, frequency, regenerative health and soil health.

Change our Frequency

As Einstein said, "Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies."  We will learn simple tools to tap into a new frequency of gratitude and positivity.  Change your frequency, change your life!  It's that simple!  We will work on shifting our mindset to tap into the frequency of love, health, and abundance.  

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Click this image to watch an 8 minute video on what is included in the 30-day organic, living superfood protocol:

You are Sacred.

You are a living, breathing miracle.  So often, our bodies are forsaken and taken for granted.  In our culture, there is a detachment from our physical body that has become so palpable that it has become commonplace to alter and change our physical appearance and to take a pharmaceutical for every little ailment we have.  We feel like we need to change the way we look, or even begin to feel like we are at war with our body, when your body is your soul's greatest gift. It is time to treat it that way.  Sacred Self Care is a reclamation.  


If you feel a call within you to join us, please reach out to the person who shared this with you today.  If you have further questions, we can connect and provide a free, 30-minute health consultation with Justin.  It is our honor to support you. 


If you are ready to go, click here to order your 30 days of superfood today!  Make sure you use the the gift card code of the kind human who sent you to receive 25% off!  


Hello!  A little bit about us....

Kellie Glessner


Wild Woman and Beauty Seeker

Cultivating Heaven on Earth

Hi!  Just like you, I am a human being navigating life on this beautiful Earth, experiencing all of the ups and downs, the beauty and heartbreak.  I am a wife, mother, sister, homeschooler, homesteader, wild woman and beauty seeker.  I truly believe we are far more capable that we believe, and that when we begin with nurturing our body and reconnecting with our hearts, we lay the foundation for personal growth and transformation so that we can do the work we came here to do!  My own health journey has been my greatest teacher to let those old stories go, call in the support you desire, cultivate a mindset of gratitude and positivity, and to treat your body like the miracle it is.  I am here for it!  Together we rise.  

Justin Glessner


Research Scientist, Regenerative Health Practitioner and Detox Specialist

I am rebirthing everyday and deconstructing who I used to be to make room for who I am becoming. I am a father, husband, homesteader, scientist and health practitioner. I have a Bachelor's degree of Env Science and Biology and Master's degree in Geochemistry. I have worked for over twenty years as a research scientist and teacher in academia, currently at UC Davis. I now have certification as a Regenerative Health Practitioner, clinical Iridologist and detox specialist from the Institute of Regenerative Health. My passion for regenerative health stems from my own healing journey. I am on a mission to live and teach health empowerment, healing and thriving through nature's medicine.

Enjoying Outdoor
“Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.”

― Henry Ford

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