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Heart Centered Homestead

Welcome to our Heart Centered Community!

It's time to THRIVE in deep connection with your heart and soul!


Hi!  I'm Kellie, a beauty seeking, regenerative homesteading, homeschooling, Earth-mama of four, who finds deep connection with Spirit through tending to the simple things in life; being out in nature, in the garden, and by taking care of our miraculous bodies. I believe that we thrive when living in communion with each other and the natural world, driven by our WHY; our purpose, our Divine Mission.  

In this Heart Centered Community, we support each other in ALL the ways; body, mind & soul.

Let's Redesign the Paradigm

In today's world, it is easy to feel isolated, lonely, and disconnected from our community, our body and our purpose. It takes conscious effort, choice and support to stay connected. 

These times have been a catalyst for massive growth and transformation. Many of us have decided we don't want to go back to the way things were. We want to heal in connection WITH our body and with the Earth, deeply nourishing ourselves and taking total accountability for our health.


We want to redefine our relationship with making money, and thrive by creating multiple streams of income in soul alignment with our values.


We want something different. We want to live as sovereigns, sustainably and deeply connected.  

We want to gather in the work, celebration and support.  

We want to support each other to dream again. To get back in touch with our soul's calling, reconnected with the heart and letting the rest fall into alignment.  


This is Heart Centered Homestead. Welcome to the commUNITY! 

Heal, Thrive, Nourish, Gather

Superfood and Herbal Support

As a mom of four, I was operating in survival mode, in complete denial of how nutritionally depleted I was.  I was doing everything right, yet I still felt exhausted and I definitely was not thriving!  Introducing these Regeneratively grown, raw, Organic superfoods and herbs into my life has been a complete game changer!  It now feels like an obligation to share them with others.  My referral code "heartcentered" gives you $50 off, or $25%, whichever is more! Click here to learn more.  Have questions?  Reach out below!

Financial Abundance

For most of my life, I believed I needed to sacrifice making money in order to live in integrity with my values. You know the sayings, "Money is the root of all evil" and "You can't buy happiness"?  That indoctrination goes deep!  I am so grateful to be on the other side, and to welcome money into my life with infinite gratitude.  Money is a vital tool in supporting our purpose here on this Earth.  Finding ways to create multiple streams of income to support my family, while also supporting others AND the Earth, has been so fulfilling.  It is an honor to share this opportunity with our Heart Centered Homestead community. Click the Abundance tab above to see if you feel a stirring with! Curious to learn more?  Reach out below and join our Private Facebook Group Cultivating Income to Create an Impact.  

Local Food and Community Gatherings

Did you know the greatest indicator of life span is Loneliness?  Take time to receive that one.  We are not meant to be living isolated lives, buying our food online and having it delivered to our door (although this may be helpful from time to time!).  Sourcing our produce locally and gathering to make food and honor the seasons and our bodies is so deeply nourishing!  I am honored to cultivate community in this way.  To stay up to date with our offerings, make sure you sign up at Local Food 4 U and for my monthly Newsletter below.  

Regenerative Health

I am blessed and honored to share the wisdom and wellness collective of my beloved partner, Justin, who is a certified Regenerative Health Practitioner, Clinical Iridologist, and Detoxification Specialist.  He supports our community to trust and thrive in our bodies, helping the body in it's natural ability to detoxify and regenerate.  Learn more about our membership collective at, where you can set up a free introductory 30-minute health consultation and learn all about various modalities to support your body in it's regeneration, including the healing power of frequency.  

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