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Hi, I'm Kellie.  So nice to meet you!

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I am a Mamapreneur, on a mission to cultivate
Heaven on Earth

I have always been called a dreamer. What I once thought of as something I needed to grow out of, I now see as my super power!  All those naysayers, telling me I was living with rose colored glasses or I can't have my cake and eat it, too or that my ideas are not realistic, I need to come back down to Earth....well, now I send them all loads of love and continue on my way. I don't believe we need to die to go to Heaven.  I truly believe it is our purpose to create Heaven here, on Earth. 

I have been blessed with so many incredible teachers over the 45 years I have graced this Earth, and amazingly, they continue to show up as I open more doors within my self, expanding and growing into my potential.  I truly believe we are all here to walk each other home, to ourselves. I have learned so much by surrounding myself with people who inspire me to dig deeper, and to live a fuller, more authentic life.  

If I can be that for others, I feel it is my duty to do so.  We are in this together!  I am here for you, as a source of inspiration, encouragement, and connection, as a reminder of your magic and dreams, and as resource of tools for living a more vibrant, connected, healthy, and abundant life.


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